Mercury’s Station, Another Eclipse & A Maverick Planet ~ 21 Nov 2012

Come Monday, Mercury resumes direct motion. While it is often chaotic for communication a day or so around a Mercury station, following will be a far more focused opportunity to sort out all those communications which may have gone awry of late. And since this weekend is the Black Friday post-Thanksgiving-shop-like-you’re-a-lunatic weekend, expect hiccups on the Internet to bless the last days of the current Mercury reversal with gusto. Mercury stations in Scorpio. Know your bottom and stay true to your bottom line. Consider that your emotional-spirit driven bottom line actually dictates the fiscal bottom line and material needs in life. So if you need to tweak things to reconnect with your inner source, do so before picking up pens for those plump, juicy contracts in front of you. Or apply clarity with your soulful yearnings when negotiating relationship situations. And know what makes you tick when placing yourself in any new exhilarating circumstance on the horizon.

On the 28th the next eclipse comes to town, this one lunar. During a lunar eclipse the Earth crosses in between the Sun and the Moon, obscuring solar light from reflecting off the Moon from our point of view. Symbolically, the mundane, worldly concerns and the need to remain grounded upon the home planet intercedes between rational thought and emotional yearning. Personal desires and wants tend to take on an urgency of time, material need and life pressure. But the eclipse question to ask in any matter now accelerating: Is the reaction to this situation in balance with its actual significance? Is it really the end of the world? The only hope? The only way? This eclipse occurs with the Sun in Sag, so the conscious mind believes it’s a one-way street and all the while, feelings, instincts and emotions argue that there must be alternatives of greater benefit for all concerned given of the lunar placement in option-oriented Gemini.

Astronomers recently reported a planet adrift in space with no apparent star to orbit. Could it be a maverick planet out there on its own? So it appears. CFBDSIR2149 seems to be a true star orphan. The body is in the constellation Doradus, or astrologically 28 Aquarius 14. Some four to seven times the mass of Jupiter it is possible this may not turn out to be a planet, but a brown dwarf (and it is not close enough, nor in any previous zone noted to be associated with Nibiru - the nonexistent planet that is late to his 1999 guaranteed wipe out date of existence on Earth). The body’s surface temperature is estimated to be 800 degrees. So what does this mean? Well, first, even if not a planet, it is a bit of a loner. Isolated from others, this Aquarian body knows full well the exclusion archetype of the planet Eris. But it also knows that the heat is on. To be truly on one’s own, way off the beaten path, and holding space all by one’s lonesome requires that a person remain heated up and in action, on fire with passion for one’s purpose, and committed to the cause of nonconformity.

Now if a person is directly connected to this object, they already feel some of this isolation courtesy of the “way ahead of its time” black hole Cygnus X-3 who shares this degree. For those not connected to this point, while resetting organizational priorities and clarifying communications mundane and sorting them out per the pressure of the upcoming eclipse, take a moment to ask: Am I conforming to a mainstream I do not sanction? Am I standing where I truly belong? Is my fit in my fecundity that which I desire or what my third grade teacher told me I should pursue?

Okay, we’re headed into Thanksgiving weekend here in the U.S. It’s a long holiday weekend designed to give thanks, render appreciation, express gratitude and celebrate bounty. It does seem that those with commercial interests apply the principles by offering sales that cause people to camp out in lines at stores, download apps for phones that perform comparative shopping exercises, and flood the Internet to its bulging point. In honor of CFBDSIR2149 I am not about to be left out.


For all in the United States here’s to a healthy and happy Thanksgiving. For those of you outside those borders, here’s to a time of clarity, definition, fulfillment and inclusion in the place you seek in your life.